Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Overview of Thursday 12/30

I was told to be at the hospital at 7:30 for surgery.  Which after many phone calls to make sure it was correct was supposed to be a port revision and diagnostic exploratory surgery done under a scope.  I get into pre-op and the orders are written wrong, port revision open.  Meaning no finding out what was causing so much pain and no laproscopic surgery.  After somewhat arguing with the Dr and insurance I was taken in at 8:30 for the CORRECT surgery.  I explained to the nurse I could be her easiest or hardest patient.  It all depended on if they did the right one.  I ended up being her easiest!  I will say that I was much more subdued this time, no Jesus Christ superstar, no highly inappropriate comments.  It might have helped that a childhood friends mother was one of my nurses and I was *trying* to be good.  I do however seem to think of Michael Jackson while on Operating tables.  The last thing the Anesthesiologist said to me was you may experience chest and arm pain but it will go away and you will fall asleep.  I remembered watching a 20/20 where the reporter was put under using the same "milk" MJ preferred.  He has really bad pain, but did not remember it.  I remember thinking I should speak up and tell them "no milk", but then I was asleep before I could say anything.

I woke up to my first thoughts and words being of pain.  I remember telling them that I was in a great deal of pain, and getting a good deal of morphine.  I went into recovery and literally was in our car within 1 1/2 hours.

What they found:  yes the port was completely flipped and floating around, that was fixed.  I also had a lot of "adhesion's" or scar tissue.  Some of that was attached to the tubing causes pulling and tenting.  Which was probably the cause of my pain.  Also, they did another liver biopsy.  I could not really get a straight answer about this except that he did not like the way it looked, and was/is somewhat afraid my liver is not handling the rate of weight loss well.  Makes sense to me since it seems the rest of me really is not either.

This surgery has been by far the worst surgery I have ever had.  The pain is intense and hard to deal with.  I normally do not take pain killers once I get home from surgery, but with this one I am taking double doses.  They used most of the same incision points as last time, except they also went into my belly button, lovely! I am as expected very swollen and where my stomach had become very fleshy and soft it is not rock hard and swollen.  I have graduated from liquids to soft and mushy foods, and the scale is showing me that even though I am swollen and water logged, I believe I have lost the holiday/port not working weight.  Honestly not too much of a concern to me right now.  The Dr. left my band open with no fluid.  He told me I could come in this week and he would fill it, no thanks.  Stick a needle in there right now and I might sock you! So I will call later in the week to make my 2 week follow up and go from there.  Honestly I am not that hungry and it really is not bothering me much.

Pain currently is awful, but it really is not from an incision, it is from the CO2 they fill your abdominal cavity with to give the scopes room to move.  It gets trapped in your back, abdomen and shoulders and it hurts like hell.  I am trying to walk around and do light cleaning as this is supposed to help, but I can't see where it does.  This by far is the worst part of laproscopic surgery in my eyes.

So that's where I stand, I am going to write another post now about other things.......

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