Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's not a band, it's a person?

So last night I had a reality check.  I decided that I *deserved* to do what I want. Why? Because at times when things get hard I throw a little temper tantrum.  Such is last night.  I mentioned to Peter that McDonalds would taste so good. (Poor man, if he had said, "nah, I'm not feeling it." I would have annihilated him.) So on his way home from working last night  he grabbed a cheeseburger and small fries for me. Me, who will here further be referred to as "Dumbass". Three bites into the cheeseburger and Dumbass had a problem.  STUCK!  Well hello Dumbass, you have not ate bread in months, much less dry, shitty meat, big wonder that it was stuck.  So after 1/2 an hour of spitting up my saliva, because I literally could not swallow it and moaning in pain and walking the floors it finally went down.  So why is this called reality check? Because Dumbass needed one.  Dumbass needed to realize that even though the band is not working properly for her right now, it is still there.  Dumbass needed to feel a little pain and realize that even though things are not going as planned they are still going and she needs to still follow the plan.So while in the next month I may not lose any weight, I am still in the same boat.  The band is there, it's not going anywhere.  I signed up for this, no carbonation (amazingly easy so far), no bread, no steak, no rice, no big bites, no eating too fast.

Other things I was thinking about while trying to fall asleep last night, people in the band world refer to this thing like a person.  "So how are you liking your band?"  "What would you do if you lost your band today?"  "Do you love your band?"  "The band is great isn't it?"  So while yes, in general I like my band, I love my results so far, no I would not want to lose my band, etc. I still think it is just a piece of plastic (medical grade, but plastic).  So in order to cheer the mood I was thinking of asking for naming options for the band.  I mean, yes it is ridiculous, but funny.  People name their cars, can't I name my band?  It needs something that fits it's personality.   Slightly edgy, cutting edge, giving and yet needy at the same time. It must be expensive sounding too.  As it is only a small amount plastic and metal, but very expensive.  Also, no fat girl names like Gertrude or Fanny, this bitch is skinny! So post your name suggestions, come on it will be fun!


  1. I definitely think your band needs a name. I'm thinking something like "Ramon" or "Stellan" or "Siegfried". My vision is a high maintenance male designer (who is probably gay) and has some kind of international flair. If I were more creative, i could probably think of something punny to go with the concept of the band. Not there yet. I hope you get some more ideas.

  2. Bandjamin, goofy but first thing that came to mind. Did you ever see the movie Mean Girls? They call the mean chicks plastics, that also came to mind since your band is plastic and it's starving you. Can't think of any of their names though. Hope all goes well with your surgery. Happy Holidays!
