You know in the grand scheme of things, I hate a test. I never "tested well" in school. I hate the whole scenario, sit down, look at this cold white piece of paper, use a #2 pencil (boring!) and concentrate on one thing for a given time until you finish it. Then hope you did it right. I in general never got it right. I make it through life on common sense and just the right amount of street smarts (yes, I live in Wyndham and I said I have street smarts). I mean don't drop me off downtown and expect me to go rollin' witha homeys (a small homage there to Clueless), but basically I know when to shut my mouth, etc.
So as a child growing up I kinda thought to myself the tests would stop at some point, I am learning as a 30 something mom, the damn things still exists! It is not unusual for me to leave a Dr.'s appointment or therapy appointment for Finn without one of those answer sheets and a test booklet. Hell, I am often asked to be a test pusher and pass a test onto his school teacher too. I sit there and fill it out cautiously. I wonder what ramification, will each little bubble I fill with #2 lead have on my son. While I am sure answering "yes" to his ability to brush his teeth unassisted will be a gold star, and painfully aware that marking "never or seldom" to another question will inevitably ruin any future he has, or at least that is how it feels. Today I had to go get the results to one of those test, and man no matter how many times I hear the same thing over and over, or even set myself up to hear it again, it still sucks. So while today I heard that my little boy has the social abilities of a 20 month old, and his other abilities are "scattered", he is autistic and moody and probably a gamut of other things. I also heard he is handsome, and loving and physically beautiful! So in honor of this little boy who tries so hard I am going to tell you what he can do:
*He can run like the wind and smile so handsomely while doing it, that he puts Superman to shame!
*He can name every Thomas train they make, even if it is in a black and white coloring book!
*He can love his friends so much and never even know what a being a bully is!
*He can make his momma laugh, cry and scream all in a matter of 5 minutes!
*He can remember to bring you a sticker home from school because he knows you like them!
* He can eat an entire oreo in one bite and still try and carry on a conversation with you!
*He can memorize an entire book, and sweetly sit and read it to his sister.
*He can tell you that he "loves" your hair and "it's bewtiful" even when you just wake up and half of its smashed to your face and the other half is sticking straight up.
He can do a lot more too, those are just a few of my favorites.
So no matter his label or what the little bubbles on the answer sheet say, think about the things he can do above. And while I might say "tonight is margarita night, it's been a Finn on 10 day" remember I love him more than anything in this world, I will protect him fearlessly and applaud him the loudest, discipline him sternly and spoil him rotten!
Today is about more than some diet, today is about just living life and loving!
Oh Finny, hes so smart :) Love him!!!
ReplyDeleteAw! Thank you for taking the time to write about some of the wonderful things about your handsome little man. I think each mom should take the time to write this about their child. Even if the child is grown up. You are a great mom and God gave you Finn because he knew that you would be the best advocate for him. I can't imagine how difficult it is, but from my side of the fence, you are doing one hell of a good job. Give yourself a pat on the back, Mama! You rock!!
ReplyDeleteThat brought tears! I second everything Laura wrote. I would like to ask, have you contacted a publisher yet?
I think Finn is amazing & so is his Mommy! Laura is 100% right