Since my last post I have been using the Wii to exercise, so I thought I would review the video/games I have used. I feel like a few were wasted money and I hate to see anyone waste money, so here goes.
Gold's Gym Cardio Workout: Uses the normal Wii controller, Nunchuck and balance board. $18.04 I love this one! It is boxing! Lots of fun and a great arm workout. I have some shoulder issues, so they were on fire after this, but I still loved it. I think its a great price and a fun arm workout.
Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010: uses the normal Wii controller and balance board. $14.07
Save your $15! I absolutely hated this workout! The premise is you are in an exotic location and you use the controller to pick your location, mountains, dock, beach front, etc. I thought great we can work out on the beach, nope each location is one, yes ONE exercise. So after you do these exercises in the location you have to stop, let the Wii do it's thing and pick another place, load the exercise, etc. Such a waste of time! Also, the exercises using the balance board where you get on the floor, I feel like you do not get enough time to get into position before she starts. The only thing I liked is the run, but you will see later the game that came free with the balance board also offers this exercise. Again save your money!
The Biggest Loser Challenge: Uses normal Wii controller and balance board. $27.98 (I got it at Target and I *think* it was on sale for $19.99).
I loved this one! I did not think I would because I am not a fan of the show. You pick the trainer (either Jillian or Bob). I chose Bob. They make the person working out with the trainer look like you. You pick facial features, height, weight etc. so I thought that was nice. You pick the length of your workout and the trainer (Bob) takes you through everything. It was a good workout. I was sweating (but I did during all these games as I can sweat like a man just walking through a room, blech!) Sometimes Bob says the same thing over and over and sometimes things he says make no sense. Such as the gauge on the side of the screen used to tell you how well you are executing a move, is on great, but Bob is saying something like, "Come on you got to try harder!" Other than that I really liked it and will continue to use it.
Gold's Gym DANCE Workout: Uses both normal Wii controllers, $19.96 (I got it at Target for $19.99)
I just finished doing this one for the first time. It is similar to the Wii Just Dance games, except it tells you the calories you are burning for your weight and you can make a workout up. You can pick the length and go through the various dances, pick them and that makes your workout out. I made a 25 minute workout and burned 275 calories. It was fun, but lord I am uncoordinated. I can not dance, nor move my feet and hands at the same time. I learned I could basically just move my feet any way and bounce my hands around to the beat of the music and get "great" points. But I was up and moving, I did break a sweat. All in all a nice, fun workout.
Wii Fit Plus: uses normal Wii controller, nunchuck and balance board. $18.47
This game is great. I did Yoga, which I never would have and enjoyed it. It has hula hoop, running, step aerobics, etc. I really enjoyed all them and found I just kept exercising because I wanted to try something new. It has a strength training too, but I have not used that section as of yet. It monitors your weight loss, calories burned and time exercised and keeps it all in a bank, which is a nice feature. I also, think this one is great for a family because there are things on there that the kiddos may enjoy.
I will say I thought many of these games were too easy, so last Friday I did the Gold's Cardio Workout in the morning then went out and bought The Biggest Loser Challenge. So that afternoon I did that one. Holy crap I was so sore this weekend, so maybe they do more than I thought.
Kiddo just woke up so no time to edit, enjoy the typos!