Cybil, Cybil, Cybil oh the problems you cause. I am tired of chewing my food to oblivion only to watch you do the esphogial tango with it! The throwing-up, the pain, really Cybil is it necessary? I ask you, have I not been good to you? I have eaten Hot and Sour soup for 5 dinners in a row to give you a break, was that not enough? Let me remind you that I am uncertain of half of the things that were floating in that soup dear Cybil. Now Cybil my husband is bringing me a Mediterranean wrap from Jason's Deli in about an hour. Can you please please please let me digest it. I have eaten only a 1/4 of a Smart One's lunch today and a skinny Starbucks, I cut all the grass, I took care of 2 kids, I need some damn calories!!!!! So please don't get your panties in a wad when you see tiny pieces of turkey and humus! I am strongly thinking about making an appointment dear Cybil to have some fluid removed from you if you do not straighten up!
Now that I have spoken to Cybil, I will speak to you guys! (OK I feel a tad Charlie Sheen with that) Things are good. Dear Cybil digests carbohydrates very well (baked potatoes, crackers, cereal), which lead to a bit of higher calorie eating (still in small amounts). This caused me to loss and gain the same 2 lbs for about a month, but I made Cybil my bitch and got it back to where it needs to go. I think I am in a rhythm again and feel like the weight will start to come off again. The great news is this last month did not completely freak me out. I was OK with it. I feel like such a tremendous weight loss done this fast needs a break every once in a while. My poor skin sure thinks so, as it is definatly showing the effects of this last 8 months. I would still like to be at 100lbs lost by July 29th, so I better get my butt into the gym! I feel like every morning something comes up, the house needs cleaning, a kid is sick, I am sick, I have something to do with the search for a new house, etc. (Oh yeah, did I mention we are trying to get out of suburban hell? Makes you want to rent my house right?) But I know I will find my rhythm with the gym too. Once I do I tend to turn into a gym junkie. It will happen!
Tonight I did the arduous task that starts every Spring, cutting the grass. My allergies hated it! But I love the way the yard looks when it is cut. I decided today to don a pair of pre-weight loss shorts. I put them on and they were very loose but stayed up so I went for it, they were all I had. Well, I had to stop the lawn mower a million times to pull them up. The weight of my iPhone in my pocket was pulling them down. I felt like one of those kids my mother was describing to me today over the phone. She was sitting in the Wal-Mart parking lot waiting on my dad, and said " This kid just got out of his car and I can see his underwear." I told her that is how kids wear their pants now a days. Two minutes later she said " I can see his ass, I swear his jeans are around his hips." Now if you know my mother, those are not direct qoutes! But I did feel like that, so I just headed over to Land's End and ordered some clothes for Spring/Summer. I cleaned out the closet this weekend and gave away 3 bags of clothes that were too big! Happy Spring Ya'll! 18 days until I head to Vegas!